The Urban Aboriginal Alternate High School Program is for the adolescent who may be having difficulty coping in the present educational system, may have been out of school for awhile and/or is in need of assistance in returning to the mainstream school system. For the student who is ready to make a commitment to attend regularly and work consistently, we can provide an individualized program that offers a number of high school credits within an Aboriginal milieu.
The goal of the program is for each student to experience success and gain personal and academic skills so that they may continue on the path toward further education, employment and life long learning.
The school day at The Urban Aboriginal Alternate High school Program is
somewhat flexible and will vary for each student based on his or her needs. Credits are earned through an individualized timetable of Independent Learning Courses, taught courses and Co-operative Education.
One teacher as well as a Native Education Counsellor staffs the program. The administrators and services of the Ottawa Boys & Girls Club of Ottawa, the Odawa Friendship Centre and in partnership with the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board, also support the program.
- Be a resident of Ontario.
- Identify as being of Native ancestry, (status, non-status, Metis, Inuit).
- Be between 16 and 19 years of age.
- Have experienced at least one year of high school.
- Have an adult who is willing to act as a mentor.
Students who are interested and eligible should pick up an Application Package from the Ottawa Boys & Girls Club. Applicants who have completed the package and returned the General Information Page to the Club, will be considered for and interview.
- The student is strongly encouraged to find an adult who is willing to act as their mentor or advocate. This person can be a parent, relative, (older) sibling, neighbour, and friend- anyone who knows the student and is willing to support their admission and participation in the program. If the student is unable to find someone, they need to notify the staff, before they are scheduled for the interview so that alternate arrangements can be made.
- Students who do not have copies of transcripts or recent academic reports will be asked to leave the name and phone number of their former school with a program staff member.
For more information, contact:
Robert Jerome
Education Counsellor
Urban Aboriginal Alternate High School Program of the
Odawa Native Friendship Centre, operating at the
Albert Street Continuing Education Centre
440 Albert St. Ottawa, ON K1R 5B5
Phone: 613-746-6328
Celina Cada-Matasawagon
Phone: 613-746-6328
Nathan Burrows
Phone: 613-746-6328