Programs & Resources


Ottawa Inuit Children’s Center Kindergarten Program

Sixteen children in the class with an OCDSB kindergarten teacher and an OICC Inuit cultural teacher.

Ministry Resources

FNMI Implementation Plan

A Solid Foundation
Second Progress Report (2013)

Sound Foundation for the Road Ahead
First Progress Report (2009)

Policy Framework
Ontario FNMI Education

Curriculum: Native Studies and Native Languages
Enables all students to broaden their awareness and knowledge of Aboriginal peoples, their cultures, histories, contributions and perspectives.

Aboriginal Perspectives
The Teacher’s Toolkit

OCDSB Resources

Aboriginal Self-Identification Policy

Aboriginal Self-Identification Brochure
Voluntary & Confidential Self- identification for First Nation, Métis, and Inuit students at the OCDSB

FNMI Blended Resource Site (Desire to Learn)
Student/staff access only: self-register and find resources, current and upcoming events.

100 years of Loss Edu-kits
Distributed with training to all intermediate and secondary sites in the OCDSB

Métis Education
Metis Nation of Ontario Education and training

CBC’s 8th Fire
DVD set distributed with training to all intermediate and secondary sites in the OCDSB

Elementary Resource Bundle list
First Nations, Métis, Inuit Resources OCDSB Elementary Schools

Secondary Resource Bundle list
First Nations, Métis, Inuit Resources OCDSB Secondary Schools

OSSTF's "Ways of Knowing" Teaching Resource