About Us

Our School

The Urban Aboriginal Alternate High School Program is an alternate secondary program that is a partnership between the OCDSB and the Odawa Native Friendship Centre . This alternate program works hard to foster learning opportunities for students who are capable learners but who have become disengaged in their learning in traditional high school settings.

This school is a unique setting where students are encouraged to take control over the means and pace of their learning. Staff and students work together to provide learning opportunities within a positive, goal-oriented, student-centered learning community. With a whole student focus, our programs provide for the student’s academic, social, and emotional needs while offering a culturally safe, responsive, and relevant learning environment.

For the student who is ready to make a commitment to attend regularly and work consistently, we can provide an individualized program that offers a number of high school credits within an Aboriginal milieu.

The school day at The Urban Aboriginal Alternate High school Program is 
somewhat flexible and will vary for each student based on his or her needs. Credits are earned through an individualized timetable of Independent Learning Courses, taught courses and Co-operative Education.